Welcome to Fantage Animal :D
Hello everyone, this is where my chat'll go for now. ;D
April 5, 2011
April 3, 2011
April Fools Day 1.3.11 Cheats
1. beach by fish fish
2. mt. fantage
3. wizards domain
4. castle(not castle bridge)
5. lighthouse
6. castle bridge
7. forest
8. beach by sunblock
9. creature arena
10. lighthouse
2. mt. fantage
3. wizards domain
4. castle(not castle bridge)
5. lighthouse
6. castle bridge
7. forest
8. beach by sunblock
9. creature arena
10. lighthouse
April 2, 2011
Poopie on break- im back
Lol. anyway Ill be starting something Ill be doing each Saturday... WEEKLY GUIDE
Weekly Guide- 1- New Member "Intro"
Did you know, that when you just joined they show you an intro video? Well you can get it without being a new member~
1. Go to lilly Im the forest- or anyone with a help sign next to them
2. Click the sign and click the button that looks like this:
Weekly Guide- 1- New Member "Intro"
Did you know, that when you just joined they show you an intro video? Well you can get it without being a new member~
1. Go to lilly Im the forest- or anyone with a help sign next to them
2. Click the sign and click the button that looks like this:
3. Ta da! You get that video that new members get- if you joined before this was created. Well you can get it if you joined after this was created, too :D
March 29, 2011
March 25, 2011
Stars Fer Japan.
well, if youre like me and, quote by MUSIC, heartless, you do it for only medals. Other people willing to throw their stars away(honestly, some people have donated over HALF A MILLION STARS). Yeah, Its a waste and fantage donates real money. But they end the event when fantage runs out of money though.
March 22, 2011
New trendsetter Prizes.
New Trendsetter Prizes!
March 22nd, 2011Being fashion forward on Fantage has never been so rewarding! Now, you can win prizes for having lots of Trendsetter items! For those who don’t know, Trendsetter items are made up of all rare, limited, and luxury items available on our site. If you have a lot of Trendsetter items, you will be featured on the Trendsetters listing AND receive a medal! If you’re missing some Trendsetter items, you can always get prizes for having different amounts (example: 10%, 20%, 30%, etc.).
Win FREE gifts for having different amounts of Trendsetter items! Way to go, fashionistas!
...pointless. Spring started a couple days ago :D
![]() |
For smiley. Sorry the White streaks turned out...icky. |
March 20, 2011
March 19, 2011
St. Patricks Day Party Game 4 Cheats
The game is FRUSTRATING. gosh, TWO TIMES? Lets get literal, who fishes for pots of gold amongst boots and cans? Anyway after this, we get a lame horseshoe board. The new shirt they released for the last mini game was EXACTLY like 2009's (the ones in the vintage shop.) , but opposite. The clover is white and the shirt is green lol. Its like the same >.<

March 18, 2011
Fantage St. PAtricks Day Party-Day 2 Cheats
1. Forest; by bubble bug
2. Creature arena; in pond
3. Wizards Domain; by giant daisies (seriously. Theyre bigger than your fantage avatar i think o.o)
4. Castle bridge, to the left, in the sky
5. Beach; by fish fish
6. Mt Fantage; next to "HELP" Sign
7. Lighthouse
8. Castle; by mouse-out
9. Pet town; Gold Cat's Head
10. Carnival, by purple flower
TA-DA! And for the SECOND TIME ---EVER--- in fantage 'history' the inventories have changed! I honestly think it loads MUCH faster; expescially for me..over 300 boards xP

And new moodies have been released, if not, someone hasnt posted that o; Anyway, the rainbow one is sorta a repeat from last year- Like the one i had in the picture above. Last years easter moodie. lol.
2. Creature arena; in pond
3. Wizards Domain; by giant daisies (seriously. Theyre bigger than your fantage avatar i think o.o)
4. Castle bridge, to the left, in the sky
5. Beach; by fish fish
6. Mt Fantage; next to "HELP" Sign
7. Lighthouse
8. Castle; by mouse-out
9. Pet town; Gold Cat's Head
10. Carnival, by purple flower
TA-DA! And for the SECOND TIME ---EVER--- in fantage 'history' the inventories have changed! I honestly think it loads MUCH faster; expescially for me..over 300 boards xP
And new moodies have been released, if not, someone hasnt posted that o; Anyway, the rainbow one is sorta a repeat from last year- Like the one i had in the picture above. Last years easter moodie. lol.
March 17, 2011
March 16, 2011
Thank you
Maple thank's for adding me Maple aka my Fantage/Blogger Hero! This is like de most greatest thing.I will try and help wehn i can. I bet your happy.Can i add you as a admin on my site cause i would love to see your re-colors and you've been so kind to me. I will make you a re-color as well has a Thank you gift! ThnakskBye!!
~Fantageland Owner~!
March 15, 2011
March 14, 2011
St. Patricks Party (Starts Thu.)
Picture says it all. I hope they bring back some new items into the classics shop c: I think the hat for the guys is snazzy. The girls hair/hat actually looks pretty lame. C’mon, I think fantage can do better than that. xP
PS-The leprechaun on the 'train' 's name last year was Irish Finnigan. My how I remember that o.o
March 13, 2011
Secret Land of Fantage Game Guide-Where all the Chests Are and How to unlock them
Well. I've found that this will be one of the most important guides (for games.). Sooo. Lets Go to the game, shall we?
Ok, so we've entered the game, and we see a racoon, we go by him/her and get the first key (shouldn't be too difficult)
After that, keep going and you'll see a key on a platform. Stand from a little to the left and get a 'running start'. Hop onto it once you have momentum. Then Behind a large branch, we see a strange object. It happens to be our first treasure chest ;D DONT HOP OVER THE BRANCH. YOU CAN WALK 'THROUGH' IT.

Ok. There's 2 chests down here, one on the wall (use rocket suit.) and one in plain sight. The first one: walk up to it. The second one: Stand where I am in the picture, then jump and aim yourself to the left with the arrow keys.

Ok. Use the blue shroom to get back up. then collect the first key [if you hadn't already], and bounce upon the blue mushroom. Do this repeatedly, until you see the gate. Then, Hop onto the ledge, and hop on the blue shroom (if you can make it. I think you must have the rocket suit to get it though.) Then there's another treasure chest.
When you enter the gate, Your taken to another room. This one is fairly easy. Get the first key then hop upon the first moving ledge (its moving up and down.) When it reaches its peak, hop of onto the ledge. Then hop onto another moving platform. This one happens to going from left to right. Get the key, and if you have the rocket suit on, bounce on him to get about 10 stars and some type of sticker and sometimes an emerald or a diamond.(Hey, did you know they gave me ecoin sapphires once o-o)
Hope back down, And you should see stairs. At the foot of them there's a chest.
Ok, so we've entered the game, and we see a racoon, we go by him/her and get the first key (shouldn't be too difficult)
After that, keep going and you'll see a key on a platform. Stand from a little to the left and get a 'running start'. Hop onto it once you have momentum. Then Behind a large branch, we see a strange object. It happens to be our first treasure chest ;D DONT HOP OVER THE BRANCH. YOU CAN WALK 'THROUGH' IT.
Yup. Ta-da! Then hop onto the lege, to ge the 3rd key of Round 1 Now you should see a moving platform. Hop on it and theres a second chest.
Then, we see a key down there. If you have to Rocket Suit, put it on. If you don't, You wont be able to get the last chest. Oh, and next to the ledge the key is on, there's a chest.
Then, After you hop over the ledge to the left of me, Keep going to the right. Right next to the gate is another chest. Those without the rocket suit cannot get it :c But it's there.
Now Go back and get the last key and go into the gate.
Ok. Use the blue shroom to get back up. then collect the first key [if you hadn't already], and bounce upon the blue mushroom. Do this repeatedly, until you see the gate. Then, Hop onto the ledge, and hop on the blue shroom (if you can make it. I think you must have the rocket suit to get it though.) Then there's another treasure chest.
When you enter the gate, Your taken to another room. This one is fairly easy. Get the first key then hop upon the first moving ledge (its moving up and down.) When it reaches its peak, hop of onto the ledge. Then hop onto another moving platform. This one happens to going from left to right. Get the key, and if you have the rocket suit on, bounce on him to get about 10 stars and some type of sticker and sometimes an emerald or a diamond.(Hey, did you know they gave me ecoin sapphires once o-o)
Hope back down, And you should see stairs. At the foot of them there's a chest.
And If you get to the bottom of them and continue on, you can battle snails which will give you a small amount of stars and stickers. Then we see moving platforms. Hop on them and wait till they get to the top to get the keys. Keep doing this, but when the third one gets to the top, hop off towards the right. Then hop onto the blue mushroom. Theres a key at the top for us, but that shouldnt be too difficult to get. Then go back down and we see another blue shroom. Hop onto it, and while you're in the air, aim as far to right as you can. The follow the 'path' of mushrooms to get the last key. Hmmm Whats this? Under the gate there's a chest! Well stand where the mushroom dude is from maplestory, and walk under the stairs. Then get the chest and come back out and enter the last gate.
Heh. I hoped I helped you ;D Anyway, I've gone crazy with recolors and I'll recolor things for you. I got bored easily so this entertains me XP I'll post some soon c:
March 12, 2011
Flip the waffles
Well, fantage has released a new party, 'Masquerade Party'. They used to have a St. Patricks day Party. xP Anyway, on fantage I think they can do better than release a new party. xP The Secret land of fantage.
Wow. This is my new favorite store x) And has anyone noticed this?
LOL. Click it! xD The game, 'Secret Land of Fantage' is pretty easy. To get the highscore:
A) Be the first one on your server to play it (HIGH SCORES RESTART AT 6 AM FANTAGE TIME)
B) Forget everyhting else(Treasure chests, mushrooms monsters, snails, etc.) and get every key AND RUN. You'll have a time of about 2 minutes. If you do this, you could probably beat the first course in almost 30 seconds.
Ill post a guide on how to get EVERY treasure chest soon. Sorry for not updating, MAYBE IF I HAD SOME WORKERS I COULD HAVE MORE HELP. Lol. Im not yelling at you, Im just need MORE WORKERS.
*Recolors pagge updated. 2 new recolors*
Wow. This is my new favorite store x) And has anyone noticed this?
LOL. Click it! xD The game, 'Secret Land of Fantage' is pretty easy. To get the highscore:
A) Be the first one on your server to play it (HIGH SCORES RESTART AT 6 AM FANTAGE TIME)
B) Forget everyhting else(Treasure chests, mushrooms monsters, snails, etc.) and get every key AND RUN. You'll have a time of about 2 minutes. If you do this, you could probably beat the first course in almost 30 seconds.
Ill post a guide on how to get EVERY treasure chest soon. Sorry for not updating, MAYBE IF I HAD SOME WORKERS I COULD HAVE MORE HELP. Lol. Im not yelling at you, Im just need MORE WORKERS.
*Recolors pagge updated. 2 new recolors*
March 6, 2011
Basketball fail
Lol. A unicorn made poo in my house. This new basketball event has started, so all wee need to do is get 31+ points for an item. It wont give you anything(but a sticker) if you get only 30. I have a youtube channel... so go SUB MAPLEWOOD425! And Im gonna post a random pic of my inventory is and how tiny the scroll bar is o.o
March 3, 2011
St. Patricks, Vintage, and A Basketball Event
I miserably fail at basketball. Rofl. My friend is a super pro at it o: St. Patricks is coming up! I have this odd feeling that fantage is going to bring back things from 2009. not much coming back from 2008 Dx. And some 2010 items(Im not very fond of them.) I hope they bring that Clover glasses+board. They have most of the items in there for members/ecoins because they WERE for only members. Im real lazy so I dont feel like postin a pic >.<
March 2, 2011
February 27, 2011
Unicorn's Poo
After over 45 bugs and plants we get a sticker with unicorn's poo on it.
And, On our Partnerring sites page, Ive added some banners. For the Fantage Partnership blogs that are reading this-I have a banner that says 'Im part of the... FANTAGE PARTNERSHIP!' lol. Please add some banners to yuor sidebar 8DDDD
February 26, 2011
Fantage Springtime Treasure Hunt Day 3 Cheats
Those are the cheats for the Springtime Treasure hunt-MEGA HUNT (day 4)
Mt fantage, left corner
Wizards domain, by mushrooms
Carnival, by rocketboard
Castle Bridge, to the left
Creature Area, by creature shop
Pet Town, by windmill to the left
Wizards Domain, Atop the Lampost (towards Staries)
Pet Town
Pet Town
Carnival, by buzzer beater (lol, theres A bee next to BUZZER beater. HAHA GET IT xP)
Mt Fantage
Then we get a swarming bee. The items you could buy with ecoins are better. bees are icky. but they pollinate flowers and such. Heh. And bliss, you need to check out a new page i made on my blog… PARTNERSHIP PAGE! Lol, it has the 4 BEST Fantage Blogs xP Its fluffy ;D
February 25, 2011
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