February 17, 2011

Fanrt art, Houses made of cookies, Overpriced Magicians,THE MISSING MISSION, and a new glitch

I made a new fanart ^^ It's wayyyy better than my last one, but I like the one on the left better though. :D
Please vote fer mine :DDDD
And, Fantage is releasing a house MADE OF COOKIES along with RAINBOW FURNITURE(unicorn pooo.). Im sooo getting that :D And, fantage has stated in the comet:

So I thought the magician's costume was this one:
o-o. Did you knwo if you open someone's IDFone and repeatidly click on an animated one, it will move around and sometimes get smaller or bigger?
And for those that have been playing since 2009 at least, we remember the bear cub mission that fantage took away right after halloween? ITS BACK


  1. I know. I joined in April 2009 o.o

  2. That's better than my fanart and I've made like, 60 xP


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